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Carlie Laslo

Photo of Carlie Laslo

Homeroom 4B

Hi falcons! I’d like to introduce myself as one of the newer additions at George Freeman School in the Grade 4 classroom. I started my career in 2016 as an Inclusive Education teacher in the Learning Assistance Centre at Wheatland Elementary School. There I worked with students to boost their foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Throughout my years in LAC, my passion grew to teach students how to be self advocates for their learning, use assistive technologies in the classroom, and social emotional learning. 


In 2018 and 2020, my husband and I welcomed our sons into the world. At home, I am surrounded by dinosaurs, books, cars and trains. My husband and I hope to share our passion of travel and exploration with our boys in the upcoming years. One of my favourite trips was driving as far North as the road would lead us through interior BC and Yukon. The Dempster Highway lead us all the way to Inuvik in the North West Territories. The trip too is one month to complete and we camped in our tent the entire time. Since then, The Dempster Highway has expanded to Tuktoyaktuk. One day we hope to drive on the new expansion of the Dempster Highway and dip our toes in the Arctic Ocean.